My feedback for community hall, library, art room, mail room, emergency response storage, ferry terminal facilities.
I have carefully tried to list all of the uses of the island’s only community structure as it is important to keep all of these in mind while trying to decide how to move forward.
Moving forward is a key consideration, it would be a true shame to see the loss of any amenities as amenities are a rare commodity on our beautiful Motu. I am fortunate enough to have made this island my home and so am in a position to see how, when and why these buildings are used. I certainly don’t deserve more of a vote than any other landowner but do have better perspective than most and, with all due humility, expect to be listened to.
My strong feeling is that the existing, historic, structure needs to be preserved in some manner. While a new build may have advantages in terms of a reduction in short term maintenance requirements it (to my mind) will not provide the same facilities as does the current structure. I in no way trust that Auckland council will consider an increase in size or utility of the building(s). I am trying to remain logical about the situation but need to briefly say I can’t see how any new building would hope to have the same warmth and heart.
My preferred option would be to remove the hall/kitchen section and move it, raised .5 metres to secure it against surge tides, to the area seaward of the existing toilets. The jutting section of the art facility could then be mounted on poles and a small 1.2 metre concrete wall built on the Southern edge to further protect all structures. This would also provide a safe waiting area for humans and animals. The existing parking beside the bins would be designated pick up and drop off only thus becoming a safe turning area for vehicles.
As a final note I hope all due efforts have been made to consider the non internet savvy in our community. Of course there are limits to any form of communication but all must be consulted on decisions that affect all. Aside from the natural beauty it is the personalities of us all that make the island a special place.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Josh McCann
I’m sure that those who have been bothered to reflect on this vexing issue have undertaken a similar in-depth review and reached a preferred outcome.
We need to distinguish between individual and collective societal goals.
My concern as regards the hall is a lack of transparency; an outcome being imposed by Council which seems to be in contradiction to its own policy objectives as regards community centers and transportation hubs; a solution which is cost driven from costings undertaken in 2008 and does not offer a long term solution; the insistence by Council that the Rakino community takes ownership of a structure which is not fit for purpose, has not been maintained and when the community has no income stream to maintain or upgrade the building; where there is no precedent whereby a community owns and maintains an essential Council resource; where local politics (The Rakino Rate Payers Association) does not have a mandate, does not confer, disclose or consult yet feels it has the entitlement and skill base to make decisions on our behalf….and yes consultation has begun but who fought that battle?
This link seems appropriate.
The Rakino community needs to get involved….now….before it’s too late and from all accounts very few have to this time.
Hi Kevin, I was just re-reading various documents this morning and confirmed that the RRA committee had approached council with a proposal to design a new building before they consulted with the community, using the architect of their choice (the one on the committee), and that Anil Karan says this in his document which was NOT put before the ratepayers by the association in the course of seeking feedback, which was also sought in a truncated time frame:
Recommendations•That the local board wait till the RakinoRatepayers Association has presented their proposal to the board before approving a preferred option.•If no solution is reached with the RakinoRatepayers Association, then the preferred solution is Option 1 to shift and relocate the building within the existing site.•That the board is considerate of ongoing maintenance requirements and costs incurred if a building is to be retained on the island.
This does not indicate that Rakino-ites must pay for ongoing maintenance of the structure, however is does indicate that the RRA committee have been a tad sneaky, and misrepresented the truth to the ratepayers for some reason I’m not sure of. I’ll be following this up though, and also requesting that all feedback is made available for ratepayers to read, in the interests of transparency, of course. 🙂