The Tiny Museum @ ORCA

Easter Art Show on Rakino Island

This Easter we have a theme for the Art Show on account of the fact it’s 20 years since Rakino became pest free. In addition to the usual great art available to purchase we are setting up photo displays about marine and terrestrial conservation on Rakino. There will be glorious gecko, and sublime seascapes.

We have an area we are styling as the ‘Tiny Museum’, an open cabinet of curiosities containing beach combed treasures and objet. We have a large wall dedicated to displaying sea critters created by ‘kino kids, so I’m looking forward to receiving lots of marine flora and fauna to attach to our undersea background.

Below are a few tasters of some of the work on show; more images to come. 🙂

Detail from screenprint ‘Too good to be true’ by Katie Blundell

Bellbird by Carolyn MacKenzie

inter-tidal brooches by Lisa West

Crab claw pendants in wood by Tania Patterson

Author: lisa

Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

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Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

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