RRA minutes Easter meeting 2021

Here are the official RRA minutes from April 4th 2021. Enjoy!


Author: lisa

Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

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Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

One thought on “RRA minutes Easter meeting 2021”

  1. My personal position is that the Hall, library and art studio remain where they are and the council honour their obligations to the community hall facility.
    When I came to Rakino as a ratepayer 19 yrs ago there was a satisfactory sea wall to the south of the Hall constructed with Gabian baskets. I believe if that modular wall was replaced it would provide adequate protection to both the Hall and the Wharf structure.
    More info on Gabian Baskets below:

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