Easter at ORCA

Easter was our second showcase of the year at Our Rakino Community Arts gallery, and it kicked off with a community get-together organised by the participating artists on Good Friday. A big thank you to all the artists, and to everyone that turned up over the weekend to support their efforts! It was arranged at very short notice, so I was really impressed at how it came together.
We hope to be able to present another showcase for Labour Weekend, with more artists participating, and a dedicated space for Rakino kids to show their artworks too. I’m contemplating a Rakino logo/flag contest. Bellbirds with laser eyes coming to an inbox near me…

It was quite a throng!
Regular arts enthusiasts Elisabeth and David putting their best smiles forward.
Lauren and Mr. Felix Fox.
An admirer of Holly’s work.
Sheryl Garden’s lovely drawings were very popular….
….as were Carolyn MacKenzie’s vibrant paintings!
Julianne Taylor’s detailed etchings were coveted. 🙂
Mia Straka’s beautiful contemporary jewellery.
Jim Wheeler’s bronzes and prints were snapped up…
Harriet’s pearls were in demand!

Author: lisa

Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

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Part-time Rakino-ite; mainly Auckland-based. I like writing stuff and making things.

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