
North Island Saddleback

A handsome tieke, image credit Craig McKenzie

The North Island saddleback belongs to NZ’s unique wattlebird family, which includes the endangered North Island kokako, the extinct huia, and the likely extinct South Island kokako.. The decline of the saddleback began back in the mid-19th century when their forest habitat began to be cleared, and they were predated on by introduced ship rats, feral cats, and mustelids. Their steady decline meant that they were near extinction in the 20th century. The North Island saddleback was brought back from the brink by exhaustive work by DOC, and they now live on 19 islands, and their outlook for survival is very favourable.

Their vulnerability is due to the fact that they are often found hanging about at ground level. They are poor fliers, capable of clumsily negotiating short distances, but more often seen leaping from branch to branch. They are also bold and noisy, staking out territory fearlessly with displays of antagonism, dawn singing, and mildly threatening behaviour, such as grappling with the wattles of their foes, much like a 2am drunk.

Handsome birds, up to 25cm long, glossy black with a saddle of chestnut, and red wattles that dilate when in show-off display mode, they have all the panache of a smart-casual two-tone shoe, with a sharp toe and a medium heel! Their charming boldness and temerity enchanted early European bird fanciers as they are quite visible birds, and seemingly tame.

Maori legend says they got their bright saddle from Maui, who exhausted from his epic battle with the Sun asked the tieke to bring him a drink of water. The saddleback refused, so Maui swiped his still burning hand over his back as punishment, which gave him a blaze of bright plumage.

They nest near to the ground, in holes of tree trunks, in the crowns of ferns, or in epiphytes. Their fledglings can be spotted hopping about on the ground, building up wing strength. I wonder if humans had never arrived in NZ saddlebacks would be near flightless? I don’t know, but I do know that if the community continues to commit to not replacing our cats as they come to the end of their natural lives, tieke are a viable addition to our island population. We have sufficient habitat, and food for the predominantly insectivorous tieke to thrive.

Fire Prevention & Fire Safety

Dale Tawa from FENZ has kindly provided this link for us. It has plenty of simple tips with regard to reducing risk to your property should fire break out, and advice on applying for fire permits. Dale has also answered a question for me that I have been asking for a while. In case anyone else was wondering, NO, a charcoal/wood-fired BBQ in a prohibited fire season is not permitted.



Wasp pests are out in force on Rakino right now, and they’re a menace that needs to be dealt to. We have at least four pest varieties; the Asian paper wasp, the Australian paper wasp, the common wasp, and the German wasp. The paper wasp varieties are easily dealt with by assiduous application of large quantities of common fly spray directed at the nest; dusk is the best time as they will be back in their cells.

The common and German wasps are a more aggressive and trickier proposition, as the threat of being stung is reasonably high, especially if you inadvertently stumble into a nest. They appear to currently be in a protein eating phase, as we observed them swarming over fish remains this weekend. This is good, as it means wasp bait can be safely placed in traps on tinned fish or jellimeat, which won’t be attractive to our birds. As you can see from the link below, they are potentially a real problem for our native critters, as well as any human that encounters a wasp nest.


The good news is that Josh McCann is an accredited Vespex user, and we have Vespex on Rakino. I understand he’s been out today murdering angry wasps, and there have been reports of a number of nests. If you find a large number of foraging wasps that you’re concerned about, he’s happy to be death-bringer to the stingers. Apparently they don’t forage close to the nest, but if bait is laid where they are feeding, they will carry it home and feed it to their waspish friends and family.

The next four weeks is critical hit time on these beasties, so it would be most efficacious if all sightings could be notified. Josh would like to be able to do a site map, and attack them in one big hit. Please report all sightings, so bait can be laid where the densest concentrations are.

You can call round and see him, or email him at nzjmccann@gmail.com

To find out more about Vespex, check out this link..


What an ill wind blows to Rakino

Motutapu Island lies to the south West of Rakino and is part of the Hauraki Gulf Maritime Park

Waikalabubu Bay is more or less straight across from Home Bay.

The slopes of the foreshore have been fenced for stock management and nature has been left to do what it does best…unhindered.

Back on Rakino, there’s been an influx of noxious weeds in recent times and in particular moth plant.

Much effort by Auckland City and a small dedicated local team have been working hard to eradicate and control moth plant in particular.

The cost to the Auckland City Rate payer must be significant to pursue this ecologically important task.

There has been discussion as to why this once seldom observed weed has impacted Rakino so dramatically in recent times

It’s everywhere.

We may have the answer.

Beyond a sign at Waikalabubu Bay urging everyone to

“Help Keep our Hauraki Gulf Island Pest free”

Is the most significant area of flowering moth plant one might imagine could exist.

The infestation is predictably spreading either side of Waikalabubu Bay at alarming rates.

When recognized, the green of the moth plant is discernible from Rakino.

Obviously, the parachute like seeds are impacting Rakino and could well explain the expediential increase in the number of the plants in recent times.

Perhaps pressure from Rakino residents against the various custodians of Motutapu to take their responsibilities with some seriousness, rather than just erecting a sign, may result in some positive action to rectify…..before the seeds implode…..soon.

Big Island Weekend in Review!

Image courtesy of Stephen Thomas.

The weekend got off to a cracking start with the exhibition opening Upstairs at the Rakino Community Art Gallery on the Friday night. Liquid refreshments were generously provided by Harriet and the Malings, and a good time was had by all attendees. It was encouraging to see the level of support for Rakino and Rakino associated artists. Holly and I were so surprised by all the people that snuck out of the woodwork and showed us the wonderful art they make ON THE DAY OF THE EXHIBITION, so we decided to make it a regular event throughout the year, with shows of Rakino artists work on big island weekends. Please let us know if you want to be included at Easter! It takes a fair bit of toil to hang works to their best advantage, so the earlier, the better. We’ll be harrassing you for work regardless…

Holly and her lovely rondels.
Group shot with Terry and Scarlett’s paintings in the background.
Julie and Mia.
Harriet resplendent in pearls.
Clinton and David framing Carolyn’s painting beautifully.
Ling’s much sought after phone box painting red-stickered.
Glamorous Mclafferty’s, and Holly’s paintings.
A bold piece on a happy customer.
Elisabeth, suitably astonished by a fabulous piece of art.

Saturday morning started off in drizzle, but thankfully brightened up. I didn’t have time to get down to the Rakino Nursery open morning and sausage sizzle, as I was running around like Billie the Dog with two tails, but John assured me it went very well, with lots of trees pre-purchased for the winter planting season. The nursery was looking pretty sharp as the previous weekend there had been volunteer tidy-up, many thanks to all who attended.

Images courtesy of Stacey Thomas.

John’s precious kowhai in the sun.
Carolyn on bread and butter duty.

To my regret I also missed Rewa Grimsdale’s flax weaving workshop, owing to the continuing two tails issue, but reports of it glowed, the photos are wonderful, and I understand that there will be an ongoing weaving group on island, as the participants are keen to expand on the skills they learned. Maybe I can join in with this??

Photos courtesy of Rewa Grimsdale.

Weavers at Josh and Holly’s.
Lyndsey and Rewa in action.

Similarly, Mia Straka’s talisman project was also very successful. I saw a number of women wearing their talismans on the beach on Sunday…

Photo courtesy of Mia Straka.

Saturday night, and the event I’d been quietly working on for several months was about to eventuate. The fabulous Mr. Anthonie Tonnon and his wife Karlya were finally on island and Anthonie was about to perform his Rail Land show. I was a bundle of frayed nerves, but my anxiety was unfounded. He was wonderful, and so was the audience (mainly 🙂 ). I fulfilled my dream of having him perform on Rakino, and I understand they similarly had a great time. There are so many great photos of his performance in our hall; I’m just going to post a selection below, and credit you for the images if they are yours. Here is a sweet video from Clare first up..

Billie the roadie. Photo courtesy of Rob Cawte.
Before the gig in the outdoor lounge, courtesy of me.
Courtesy of Julianne Taylor
Courtesy of Elisabeth Easther.
Courtesy of Rob Cawte.
Courtesy of Stephen Thomas.
..and the party went on, courtesy of Rob Cawte.

Up at the crack of noon, DJ’s Hudge and Bobby Brazuka were down at Sandy Bay, where we swam, picnicked, and listened to some summer sounds on the beach, a perfect wind-down. Many thanks to Alf for his stellar pizza delivery service, and Hayden from Sea Cleaners, who cheered me up with tales of how much plastic waste the Sea Cleaners team has removed from the Hauraki Gulf. It’s really impressive.

Jackie and Jimi hooking into the snarlers. Photo credit Rob Cawte.
Beach beats! Photo courtesy of Rob Cawte.

Thank you to everyone that participated in the weekend. It was a great success, and hopefully we can do something similar next year. Your support was invaluable, and much appreciated.

Summer on Rakino 2021

It started off as a whim to get Anthonie Tonnon to perform on Rakino, and grew from there into a weekend of events and activities…

Proceedings kick off on Friday Jan 8 at 5pm with an art exhibition opening Upstairs at the Rakino Art Gallery. There will be a range of works to peruse and purchase, paintings, prints, woodwork, and jewellery, made by Rakino locals and Rakino friends. Join us for a celebratory glass of wine and nibbles. As always with island gatherings, feel welcome to BYO!


Image credit, Holly Shepheard
Image credit, Lisa West

10am till 12pm Saturday morning starts with a Rakino Nursery open morning with John MacKenzie on hand to advise and take orders for the coming winter’s tree planting. The baby trees are looking lush with lots of new growth. They’ll look even better planted in your backyard, and our burgeoning island wildlife will appreciate the gesture! Please walk down to the nursery via the track from the AT land on South Pacific Rd. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/rakino-plant-nursery-open-morning/

1pm till 4pm Rewa Grimsdale will be holding a flax weaving workshop at 21 Woody Bay Rd. (Josh, Holly, & Billie’s house). Participants will have the opportunity to learn to prepare flax for weaving, and make a flax flower and loose woven kete. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/flax-weaving-workshop-with-rewa-grimsdale/
I’m keen on this one; harekeke is a material there’s no shortage of on Rakino!

From 3pm till 5pm contemporary jeweller Mia Straka will be holding a talisman making jewellery workshop at 21 Woody Bay Rd. You can get a feel for her work here: http://www.miastraka.com/ Mia’s work is sculptural and thoughtful, and this workshop will probably suit ten year olds and up.. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/mia-straka-jewellery-class/

8pmAnthonie Tonnon begins his performance at the Rakino Community Hall. I really can’t emphasise how lucky we are to have him perform on Rakino. I can only urge you to purchase tickets here: https://www.rakino.org.nz/anthonie-tonnon/ because this will be a really unique experience. You can learn more about Anthonie here: https://www.anthonietonnon.com/

Anthonie Tonnon

Sunday the 10th starts at a leisurely 12 pm with a flurry of activities. DJ Hudge, Bobby Brazuka, and Friends will kick things off down at Sandy Bay with Beach Beats. Koha and pizza deals available courtesy of Alf’s Woody Bay Pizzeria. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/sunday-wind-down-with-extra-cheese/

Simultaneously Grace Carr-Shepheard will be on hand at 12pm to talk about the small changes we can all make to make our world a better place. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/grace-carr-shepheard-talking-sustainability/

At 1pm, Hayden Smith from Sea Cleaners will be chatting about the amazing work Sea Cleaners do in our ocean environment. https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/conversation-with-hayden-from-sea-cleaners/

Drag the teens out of bed for these inspirational and informative chats down at Sandy Bay. Bribe them with beats and pizza!

DayDateDepart Stanley BayDepart DowntownDepart RakinoArrive DowntownArrive Stanley Bay
FriJan 8/2110.40am11am11.55am12.40pm1pm
Jan 8/216.50pm7.45pm8.30pm8.50pm
SatJan 9/2110.40am11am11.55am12.40pm1pm
Jan 9/213.15pm3.35pm4.30pm5.15pm5.35pm
SunJan 10/2110.40am11am11.55am12.40pm1pm
Jan 10/213.15pm3.35pm4.30pm5.15pm5.35pm
Belaire’s timetable for the weekend of the 8th/9th/10th

Sadly the event ‘Walks, Talks, and Snorks’ has had to be postponed due to America’s Cup racing. As soon as the Hauraki Gulf is no longer a four-lane highway, the event will be re-instated. It will follow the same format, however, so read on…

Saturday, January 16 and we have more treats in store! Walks, Talks, and Snorks is an eco fiesta on Rakino. We are very lucky to have a visit from scientists and enviromentalists Tim Haggitt, Tim Lovegrove, and Kerry Lukies, thanks to the efforts of Elisabeth Easther. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about our birdlife, our marine environment, and our little blue penguins. Those with good swimming skills and their own gear have the opportunity to participate in a guided snorkelling experience with Tim Haggitt in Sandy Bay. For more details and links, visit https://www.rakino.org.nz/event/walks-talks-and-snorks/

Walks, talks, and snorks..

Walks, Talks and Snorks  on Rakino Island

March 6, 2021, 10am-2pm (ish) 

As some of you may be aware, a marine ecological survey was conducted around Rakino Island in 2020, with the cost of the survey covered by a grant from the charitable trust Foundation North. The survey was undertaken in order to obtain scientifically robust baseline data from which environmental change can be evaluated; to identify areas that support high biodiversity and ecological functioning; to identify gaps is the knowledge base; to identify key threats to animal and plant life  including things like invasive species and sedimentation; and to provide information that can help us look at ways we might establish environmental initiatives for the Island, such as restoration and protection.

The next stage of this survey is to share the information that has been gathered with the good people of Rakino at an event on January 16 (back up weather day January 23). Called Walks, Talks and Snorks, we have invited a few scientists and ecologists to visit the island to share their knowledge, and to  help us better apreciate the wonders around us and as the title suggests, they will be taking interested parties on walks, while giving talks and even leading a guided snorkel of Sandy Bay. You will need your own equipment for this and be a confident snorkeller/swimmer and kids under 14 would need to be accompanied by an adult.

We are delighted to be welcoming:

 Dr Tim Haggitt:

Tim Haggitt has 12 years of experience in marine consulting and research and provides specialist technical advice on marine community diversity and functioning; state of the environment reports; the design and application of monitoring programmes in order to detect and measure impacts and effects; audits of marine monitoring programmes and habitat restoration. Tim Haggitt is based in Leigh where he co-supervises students in marine ecology. Tim Haggitt’s core area of research expertise lies in subtidal rocky reef and soft sediment community ecology.Tim will talk about the survey, answer questions, clear up misapprehensions and then take interested parties on a guided snorkel at Sandy Bay. You will need to bring your own snorkel gear but this is a wonderful opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our sea life.

 Kerry Lukies: Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust

Kerry has always been passionate about marine conservation and the many animals that call the ocean home but her fascination for seabirds first began when working as a penguin keeper at Kelly Tarlton’s Aquarium. Kerry recently finished her Master’s degree on the stress physiology and foraging ecology of Little Blue Penguins in the Hauraki Gulf and has since been working for the Northern NZ Seabird Trust. She works on a range of projects involving seabird conservation, research and restoration, mainly on the pest-free islands of the Hauraki Gulf but also on islands further north and Auckland’s mainland. Projects she has been working on recently include attaching GPS trackers to Little Blue Penguins to determine where they forage at sea and studying which light types used on vessels are most attractive to nocturnal seabirds in an attempt to minimise the rate of light-induced collisions.” Kerry will share her knowledge and passion for our seabirds.

Dr Tim Lovegrove, aka The Bird Whisperer. Regional Fauna advisor, Auckland Council Biodiversity team.

A regional fauna advisor in the council’s Biodiversity team, Tim Lovegrove is fondly dubbed ‘The Bird Whisperer’ and he can distinguish and identify many different bird languages by ear, and mimic their chatter through whistles and coos with the occasional help of lures made from forest grasses (which are especially useful for talking to little birds). Tim has guided the kōkako recovery project in the Hunua Ranges, helped set up Tāwharanui and Shakespear open sanctuaries and has been involved in bird conservation management and monitoring for over 30 years; his knowledge of the native bird world is vast. Tim is passionate about the work he does for the council and for the environment. 

John MacKenzie – Rakino Island Nursery

Our very own botanical bright spark John MacKenzie will also give a scintillating talk down at the Rakino Nursery where he’ll explain the work that’s happening there and also how you can help keep Rakino clean and green, both through what you choose to plant and, just as importantly, what you stay on top of in the form of unwelcome weeds.

Moth Plant

Moth plant is a swine of a pest plant.

It’s a vigorous grower, shade tolerant, and capable of smothering our regenerating bush if allowed to run rampant. It’s pink-white flowers are easily visible in the trees between December and May. In autumn and winter it’s pale green choko-like pods form. The pods carry up to 1000 dandelion-like seeds which can travel several kilometers once the pods have dried and split.

Moth plant flowers.

On Gulf islands land-owners are legally required to remove moth plant, and this is best done well prior to the pods splitting.

Dried pod with seeds.

The sap is a sticky irritant, so protective clothing in the form of gloves and arm covering is a good idea. If the infestation is minor, the seedlings can be pulled out and left to die. If the flowering vines have climbed into the trees, the vines can be cut off near the ground and painted with Picloram gel, a stump paint which works well on moth plant.

Moth plant seedling.

If pods have formed, they need to be removed from the vines, and bagged up to be taken away.

Moth plant pod.

The sites of removal need to be revisited in order to follow up on infestations. It’s an on-going task.

There is a small team of intrepid moth plant removers on Rakino who gather a couple of times a year to try and tackle the moth plant problem in the reserves, but also on private land if required. If you’re willing to volunteer a couple of hours on a long weekend a couple of times a year, the moth plant removal team will almost certainly come and help out with your infestation, and you’ll be justly rewarded for your efforts with an expertly cooked sausage courtesy of Kevin Wragge. Delicious! 🙂

Planting to attract birds.

On my most recent island visit I got some feedback that people were looking to do some winter planting on their patches of land to attract our local bird-life, and were looking for advice on how best to achieve that. I’m no expert, and would always advise chatting to Rakino Nursery manager John MacKenzie before embarking on an ambitious planting plan, but here is a bit of basic information to get started with.

Below is a chart of native birds we see on Rakino, and their favoured foods. The nectar feeders prefer insects at nesting time, as they feed their young insectivorous protein. Planting insect attracting shrubs and trees like manuka and kanuka will ensure you always have insect-gobbling fantails and grey warblers flitting through your garden, and will also provide nourishment for the young’uns of nectar feeders. We watched a tui bashing a large stick insect senseless against a tree down at Sandy Bay in preparation for a tui family feast..

Another very good reason to plant manuka/kanuka is that it’s a great habitat for geckoes and skinks. The jury is out on whether we have geckoes on Rakino or not, but we definitely have a number of native skinks. Muhlenbeckia is also a very good habitat for lizards, and John is currently germinating muhlenbeckia seeds due to popular demand.

I have noticed that kakariki love flax seeds, so I would definitely advise the planting of harakeke if you love tui, bellbirds, and are hoping for kakariki to visit, as I am. Aside from this, it’s a great firebreak, and will self germinate readily.

speciesnectarfruit & seedsfoliageinsects
grey warbler*
wood pigeon
A few Rakino birds and their diet, in no particular order.

Below is a list of some of the trees that are generally available to purchase at the plant nursery. Many are currently sold out but I’ll share the link so you can see for yourselves what’s available. The list below isn’t comprehensive, just an indication.

speciesfruit & seednectarinsects
c. robusta
c. repens
cabbage tree**
Rakino Nursery trees that provide food for birds.

Most of the above trees are also attractive to insects, but manuka and kanuka are specifically attractive, and flower frequently.

I’d also like to give a plug to the humble bottlebrush, or callistemon. It’s an Australian native, and not available at the nursery, but it’s irresistible to bellbirds, and bees, and flowers readily. If you are bringing bottlebrush over from the mainland, please ensure you place it in a bucket of water and soak it thoroughly in order to avoid any nasties like plague skink eggs being inadvertantly transported also. I soak any plants I’m transporting overnight, such is my level of paranoia about pests.

I’ll defer to John MacKenzie with regard to what to plant and where; some trees don’t like wet feet, some dislike the dry, others are comfortable almost anywhere. Manuka, harakeke, karamu, taupata, karo, and five-finger make great regenerative ‘nursery’ plants and are very forgiving. A hard to kill plant is a good plant. They’ll provide shelter and shade for more temperamental trees.

The other thing to keep in mind is that once you have a few trees in the ground and the birds are visiting, they will spread the seeds they are eating through the digestion process, and many will germinate successfully.

Happy planting!


Photo credit- Jennie Cruse

Local Focus: Rakino Island Plant Nursery.

Over Queen’s Birthday Weekend we visited Rakino for the first time since lockdown ended with the daunting mission ahead of planting forty more trees at 9 Woody Bay Rd.

Our aim is to try and smother the tenacious kikuyu grass with shade-casting trees in order to ensure we never have to spend any time mowing grass on Rakino. Unbelievably, neighbour Barry who keeps his considerable lawn immaculate has yet to volunteer his mowing services, and when I mentioned it to all-round handyman Josh, he quickly said “Absolutely not”, so I figure my plan is best.

Winter is the time to get your trees in the ground on Rakino, as it can dry out considerably over summer, so we got our order in early to John MacKenzie, and he delivered all the trees I’d ordered, with a few extra assorted five finger and coprosma. All were duly planted, and I hope they’re thriving with the recent soakings…

The initiative for the development of the Rakino native plant nursery came from the current day trustees, the Thomas family, environmental stalwart John MacKenzie and his wife Carolyn, and Kevin Wragge.

The nursery was started back in 2015, with funding for it’s establishment secured in part from Auckland Cities Environmental Initiatives Fund and also a significant contribution made by the Thomas’, financially, transport, and construction-wise. It’s located on land generously provided by Stephen and Stacey Thomas at a peppercorn rental of $1 per year.

Today it’s a not-for-profit charitable trust; all the sales generated are returned for the upkeep of the nursery; the ongoing costs of pots and potting mix are not inconsiderable. It’s managed and operated by John, with able assistance from Carolyn. They toil ceaselessly to ensure we have trees available for planting, at very inexpensive prices, I might add.

The objective of the nursery is to support the regeneration of Rakino’s denuded environment by offering for sale plants which have been eco-sourced by John. Most of the seeds are sourced on island where possible, but if not they are sourced from Motutapu and Motuihe. As a last resort seed is sourced from the wider Auckland ecological area. This ensures bio-diversity values with genetic adaptation which affords better survival and growth prospects. It also mitigates transportation and bio-security issues. One of the big concerns about trees brought in from the mainland is the possibility that they might harbour nasties like plague skinks, or noxious weeds like asparagus fern.

Karo seedlings waiting to be potted up.

We were very fortunate to have ordered 15 of John’s large eco-sourced kowhai trees, a variant which is unique to Rakino Island. There may still be a small number available from the nursery, but I believe they were a popular purchase this year. I can’t wait till they begin to flower; I might be able to tempt some of John and Carolyn’s flock of tui Hulk-wards if I’m lucky.

The nursery also relies heavily on community volunteers, and community participation. Water to sustain the nursery is kindly provided by the Wihongi family, and permanent residents such as Kevin Hester volunteer for watering duty. I’ve only been available once to volunteer for re-potting duty, but it was a fun activity, and a good opportunity to meet some other islanders. Kevin Wragge wore his best gardening jersey and was a real sport about the compliments he received from all of us.

2019 saw the first year of significant sales from the nursery to enthusiastic islanders; it is envisaged the nursery could potentially assist in the regeneration of other Gulf Islands, such as our neighbours The Noises.

The Rakino Nursery is a significant and valued part of our island culture. The regeneration of the bush habitat is a huge and on-going project. As the trees start to grow and flower we’re noticing more birds visiting and hopefully breeding on island. There are increasing reports of kaka, kakariki, and kereru. I recall being excited at spotting a couple of bellbirds at Albie’s place about thirteen years ago; they’re now regulars all over the island.

The Nursery also hosts events as fundraisers to generate income to plough back into nursery development. ‘Nursery Rhymes’ was an inspired idea held earlier this year on a stage set down by the nursery with a beaut bush backdrop, featuring Jennie Cruse, Stacey Thomas, Tom Donaldson, a star turn by Amanda Frecker, and the ‘kino kids showcasing their choreographed dancing skills.

If you’re considering some tree planting, and I hope you are, I recommend contacting the Rakino Nursery to organise a time to talk to John about plants that are suitable for your site. Visits are by appointment only.
